- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Redwall Abbey
"I search for the summer o'er fields far and still,
Though seasons may take me wherever they will,
Cross vale and o'er hill as the warm winds blow down,
'Twas there I found autumn gold, russet and brown,
I wandered the lands 'neath a misty morn sky,
'Til the frost rimed a small icy tear from my eye.
O winter, cold winter turns short days to night,
And dresses the lea in a gown of pure white,
So windswept and sad until yon comes the day,
A pale morn of sunlight melts snowflakes away.
See greenshoots a pushing to pierce the bare earth,
Bringing fair coloured flowers to herald springbirth,
As spinney and woodland grow leafier each day,
Young birds sing that summer is soon on its way.
I'll find me the glade that my heart recalls best,
In my soft summer dell I will lay down to rest."
- From the Outcast of Redwall by Brian Jacques
((This is a heavy WIP! Just saving what I've got so far.))
Comments for "Redwall Abbey"
License details for "Redwall Abbey"
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Happy birds singing a summer s by "sphion from http://freesound.org" +)
- forest_wind_summer by Don't know +)
- Church Bell by dsp9000 +)
- The Wild Red Rose by Eleanor Tomlinson +)
- Summer Open Field by kvgarlic from http://www.freesound.org +)
- Garden Shears Snip by lungimahlaresound from http://freesound.org +)
- Bees flying by RareSound from www.freesound.org +)
Image from: Christopher Denise